Finally, some pictures!
Blake has had a birthday! He is now 1 year old. Most important, he is sleeping longer at night...generally. I have included several pictures: birthday party, first snowfall he could really play in, and one just because it's cute!
I made mini-cupcakes for Blake's birthday and we had a couple of his friends and their parents over. It was a small, but very fun party. More recently, we had a snowfall of about 8 inches. Blake loved it! Well, he loved it when it was falling and he could still walk around in it. He couldn't maneuver very well in 8 inches of snow.
Blake loves playing outside. Every evening when we bring him in for dinner, he starts to cry. But it doesn't take him too long to perk up and realize that the inside can be fun, too. Speaking of inside fun...we started baby gymnastics on Saturday. O my gosh! He loves it! He was the only baby who split for the trampoline when class was over and we were supposed to be leaving. And the only baby to cry, cry, cry the whole way through the parking lot to the car. It's not like him to cry like that, but being forced to leave an inside baby gym is worth a few tears.
Tears have been provoked in part this week by the first molar. These molars are not to be messed with. We recommend OTC drugs and lots of TLC. Don't even think we are getting any SLEEP!
Love to you all.
Thank you so much for putting up some pictures!
We have been missing all of you and wanting to see how big Blake has gotten. Glad to hear that he liked the snow - Henry will have NOTHING to do with it. He needs Blake to come and show him the ropes.
Love it that yall are taking baby gymnastics!
We miss you - mollie
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